Refrigeration Maintenance
This is our Maintenance section for Refrigeration. Here we will show examples of what we do for maintenance and we will give you tips on how to maintain your refrigerated rink. We have information on everything and anything and are here to help you with anything when it comes to your refrigerated rink. If you would like more information follow our Outdoor Refrigerated Ice Rinks Facebook Page
Weeping Holes And Optimal Ice Thickness

For Refrigerated Rinks ice thickness is key. The thicker the ice, the harder it is to control. A professional Zamboni or resurfacer keeps the ice thickness under control because it scrapes the ice and collects it and leaves a fresh and clean layer, thus the ice is fresh and does not grow. However most of us do not have a resurfacer or Zamboni so we need to be creative! Here are some pictures of some great examples of what we have done to keep the ice and water at a proper level. What we did was drill what we call weeping holes at the desired ice level so that when the water rises higher it will flow out of the rink and the ice will stay at the optimal level of 2.5 to 3 inches. This will extend your season and fun drastically.
Here is a YouTube Video showing you Weeping Holes

Zamboni Backyard Ice Maintenance Video
In this video we cover everything you need to keep up with maintenance for your ice rink during the winter months. We go through all of the steps of maintaining the ice rink which includes removing the snow, scraping, Brooming your edges, and then resurfacing the rink. We also cover which tools to use for each step as well.
Ice Rink Crack Repair Maintenance Video
In this video we show you how to repair large cracks that are in your ice. We show the process that needs to be done in order to fix the crack which includes using snow and steaming hot water to repair the crack in the ice, by putting the snow in the crack and then pouring the hot water on it and then mashing it down with your foot and then shoveling off the excess snow which then reveals a fixed crack.
Ice Rink Resurfacer Video
In This Video we show our Deluxe Ice Rink Resurfacer that is great for Maintenance and provides a strong and ultra-smooth surface for you and your family to skate on. This works just as great as a Zamboni and can provide a great surface and can save you lots of money and time due to its efficiency.