Marist HS Winter Rental

At Marist High School we wanted to have a nice Skating Season our students and their parents so we called up Iron Sleek and they were able to deliver for us. As soon as football season was over they came in and installed a refrigerated ice rink for us. Once it was installed many students and parents came over the course of the season and skated and were able to make long-lasting memories, it was a big hit in the community and it was able to bring the community together and overall the community response was great. Then once Lacrosse season started we let Iron Sleek know and they quickly came out and were able to remove the rink very quickly and safely so that the next day we could start our Lacrosse season on time. We were very happy that we were able to pull this off and we would like to thank Iron Sleek for their great customer service from beginning to end. We are looking forward to do this next year and we loved our Refrigerated Rink! - Marist High School